We’ve taken over the administration of your MOE-funded loan, and we’re here to help you. Scroll down to find out what are your next steps!

Get S$20 cash reward when you apply for a FRANK Account and Debit Card.
How to apply
Here are the instructions on your student loan that you need to follow.
If you've graduated and are paying monthly instalment
Please visit any OCBC branch to submit your payment instruction. Do ensure your payment instructions are submitted early to OCBC to ensure that the payment takes effect before your monthly instalment is due.
To make payment to OCBC Bank, you have two options:
- Application for GIRO form: to pay the loan using funds from a non-OCBC account through GIRO. Please factor in enough time (i.e. around 4 to 6 weeks) for your GIRO instruction to take effect.
- Application for Repayment form: to pay the loan using funds from an OCBC account no later than 20th of the month for the instructions to take effect by the next monthly instalment due.
Alternatively, you can mail the forms to the following addresses:
Submit your Application for GIRO form to:
OCBC Bank, Consumer Loan Operations
31 Tampines Ave 4 #01-01 Tampines Centre Two
Singapore 529680Submit your Application for Repayment form to:
OCBC Bank, Consumer Loan Operations
31 Tampines Ave 4 #03-00 Tampines Centre Two
Singapore 529680If you wish to make partial or full repayment, contact us for the latest total outstanding amount as interest is charged on a daily basis.
If you've graduated and need to set up your monthly instalment
To give us your payment instructions, please complete and submit the Application for Repayment form. You may choose one of the following payment arrangements:
- A monthly instalment of at least SGD 100 a month over a maximum repayment period of 20 years*.
- Partial or full repayment with a minimum amount of SGD 1,000 at any time.
- A combination of monthly instalments and partial repayment.
Do ensure that you give us your instructions before the payment due date stated in your letter. If you do not, a monthly instalment amount of SGD 100 will be automatically set under your loan account.
If you have been granted a deferred payment under SMU’s loan administration, the monthly instalment that you had previously stated will resume when the deferment period ends. Please make payment by the deferred payment due date.
If you wish to make partial or full repayment, please contact us for the latest total outstanding amount as interest is charged on a daily basis.
*Any amount which remains outstanding thereafter shall become immediately due and payable.
If you're still studying
No action is required from you at this time. Interest will commence upon graduation.

Get S$20 cash reward when you apply for a FRANK Account and Debit Card by 31 March 2024. Limited to first 1,000 eligible customers per month.
Terms and conditions
Important notices
- Automatic Standing Instruction
- Online Banking
- Insured Deposits Register
- Fees & Charges
- Deposit Insurance Scheme
- FAQ - Removal of NETS FlashPay on FRANK Cards
- Removal of NETS FlashPay feature on FRANK Debit Cards
With effect from 18 June 2016, the Debit Cardmembers' Agreement will be revised to address, among other matters, amendments and provisions relating to the introduction of digital payment services and malware risks. Please click here for the revised Debit Cardmembers' Agreement.
Deposit Insurance Scheme
Singapore dollar deposits of non-bank depositors and monies and deposits denominated in Singapore dollars under the Supplementary Retirement Scheme are insured by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation, for up to S$100,000 in aggregate per depositor per Scheme member by law. Monies and deposits denominated in Singapore dollars under the CPF Investment Scheme and CPF Retirement Sum Scheme are aggregated and separately insured up to S$100,000 for each depositor per Scheme member. Foreign currency deposits, dual currency investments, structured deposits and other investment products are not insured.